A study group is being created for those who desire to develop and activate their own channeling abilities.
Instruction begins in Autumn 2024 and will happen online.
This introduction to the Art of Channeling has a personalised care of the student. Each individual faces an entirely different experience as we wake up the spiritual bodies & senses. You will be supported according to your needs during the activations and training and for this process to be nurturing we will maintain a small group.
We will focus on training consciousness to move to Alpha & Theta states while maintaining wakeful mental activity and communication skills active. This state of consciousness is the channel to connect to the Akasha, in the vedic tradition is called: Ritam.
In Ritam we have one foot in the unmanifest layer of reality and one foot on the relative world. Its here where the magic happens. ; )
The training covers the nuances of channeling work from a contemporary perspective, integrating the knowledge of neuroscience to facilitate our trust in the information we can access and navigate as vibrational medicine.
To find our own sense of spiritual impeccability and clarity we must discern between fantasy and cognition, our personality based self and our soul & spirit anchored Self.
If you are interested in receiving instruction, get in touch. María: +34 684 14 65 69